Come As You Are

  • États-Unis The Miseducation of Cameron Post (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Pennsylvanie, 1993. Bienvenue à God’s Promise, établissement isolé au cœur des Rocheuses. Cameron, vient d’y poser ses valises. La voilà, comme ses camarades, livrée à Mme. Marsh qui s’est donnée pour mission de remettre ces âmes perdues dans le droit chemin. La faute de Cameron ? S’être laissée griser par ses sentiments naissants pour une autre fille, son amie Coley. Parmi les pensionnaires, il y a Mark l’introverti ou Jane la grande gueule. Tous partagent cette même fêlure, ce désir ardent de pouvoir aimer qui ils veulent. Si personne ne veut les accepter tels qu’ils sont, il leur faut agir… (Condor)


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Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In English: An average coming of age film that doesn't offend, but also doesn't impress. The story of a girl with lesbian tendencies undergoing a transformation unfolds exactly as expected. Her confrontation with fanatical Christian educators is sometimes interesting, but doesn't go too deep. Most of the time, it's just about the fact that being gay is a sin and the main characters brush it off. Most of them remain unbroken, so they must at least conform to the regime and resist pressure. The film feels somewhat unnecessary, just like the efforts of religious fanatics convinced of their truth to eradicate "evil" from confused teenagers. The message of the film is obvious, but in today's age, when most people no longer look at homosexuals through a discriminatory lens, it feels past its peak - at least if it is portrayed so starkly. If the creative intention was to show how difficult young homosexuals had it in the 90s, it could have been done more urgently and without sugarcoating. The way it was portrayed to me, despite the serious topic, felt too comfortable. ()

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