La Prière

Bande-annonce 2


Thomas a 22 ans. Pour sortir de la dépendance, il rejoint une communauté isolée dans la montagne tenue par d’anciens drogués qui se soignent par la prière et le travail. Il va y découvrir l'amitié, la règle, l’amour et la foi… (Le Pacte)

Critiques (1)

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anglais An interesting film that shows in a gentle way that even an absolute infidel can gain faith in God under the right guidance. When you're at the bottom, prayer is what can help you get out of the shit and give your life new meaning. I almost want to believe that this is possible, and that's where I see the great benefit of this film. The unwavering certainty is the main character, Anthony Bajon, who perfectly captures the transformation from a drug addict to a man filled with love and humility. (80%) ()