VOD (1)


Logan est abasourdi et furieux à la suite des déclarations de Kendall. Constatant que son fils ne compte pas revenir sur ses propos, le patriarche Roy demande conseil à son entourage quant à la conduite à adopter. Kendall tente de convaincre certains membres du conseil d'administration de se joindre à lui. (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais What an awesome kick-off to the fourth season. Barely had it begun, and I was once again immersed in an atmosphere that gave me the feeling of being completely covered in disgusting, sticky slime while breathing in the stench of a slaughterhouse during a hot summer in the midst of a foot-and-mouth epidemic. If the creators can still evoke such strong impressions in me by the third season, they must be doing something right. / Lesson learned: Life is full of paradoxes. Sometimes, the higher you climb, the deeper you're in it. ()