Just Friends

  • anglais Just Friends (plus)


Joris, jeune gay révolté, fait la connaissance de Yad, un jeune syrien installé en Hollande avec sa famille. Entre choc des cultures et peur de l’autre, l’amour réussira-t-il à éclore ? (Optimale)

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anglais Just Friends offers nothing new within its genre, but it's a nicely written and believably acted film, so I didn't mind the generic premise. The film addresses interpersonal relationships (both partner and family) and dealing with the death of loved ones, so it has a pretty broad scope and, thanks to the short running time, doesn't even have time to get boring. I was supremely entertained by the character of the bubbly and funny grandmother, and I must admit that there were a couple of scenes in the second half that made me a little soft (especially the one with the mother and the ashes). An enjoyable TV outing that effectively combines romance, drama and humour. ()