



Dans une petite ville côtière d'Australie, un bébé disparaît. Cet événement va fortement fragiliser le jeune couple que forment Joanna et Alistair. Ils voient leur mariage s'effondrer tandis que leur vie privée se retrouve exposée aux yeux du grand public. (Ici Radio-Canada)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais When I started watching this mini-series, I thought it would be about something completely different and I was afraid of yet another sob story. But I soon realized that the British were not Americans for whom pathos is of utmost priority, and I was able to have a great time watching a series in which drama turns into a thriller imbued with cold cynicism in the second half. I think this was an excellent series, but bear in mind that it was also because I enjoyed watching Jenna Coleman, who was perfect for the role. ()