
It tells the story of Detective Chávez, a family man and a tough cop, who is placed in charge of the investigation of a homicide that took place in the most exclusive circles of high society in Buenos Aires of the 1980s. At the crime scene, Chávez meets officer Gómez, nicknamed The Goose, a good-looking rookie who becomes his right-hand man and who goes undercover as a bait to apprehend the murderer. (Moscow International Film Festival)


Critiques (1)

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anglais Death in Buenos Aires combines elements of (slightly romantic) drama and crime, but neither genre left a strong impression on me. While I liked the fact that you don’t know who is actually bad and who is evil until almost the very end, I still found the final twist somewhat weak and unfinished. On the other hand, I was intrigued by the line with the horses and their running through the city streets. ()