
Muni d'un seul mot – Tenet – et décidé à se battre pour sauver le monde, notre protagoniste sillonne l'univers crépusculaire de l'espionnage international. Sa mission le projettera dans une dimension qui dépasse le temps. Pourtant, il ne s'agit pas d'un voyage dans le temps, mais d'un renversement temporel… (Warner Bros. FR)

Critiques (23)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In many ways reminiscent of the blockbuster space-time series Dark, which wrapped up its third and final season this year. Nolan, however, has again taken a completely different approach to the perception of time, and traditionally shows the viewer not a shred of sympathy in the telling of his complexly intricate, but perfectly crafted story. This time, to my surprise, he was not afraid to add more action scenes and more challenging stunts. In short, Tenet is another precise screenwriting treat with a vibrant score by Zimmer scholar Ludwig Göransson. Epic camera shots with fascinating, natural non-green screen effects that are a joy to behold. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A truly exhausting film that demands your full attention throughout its whole runtime, because once you tune out for even a single moment, you have virtually no chance of getting back on the same wavelength with Nolan, and the rest of your experience will get drowned out by the deafening noise and convolutedness of the plot. I must admit that the first time I watched it, I felt almost physically exhausted and was not far from getting lost in the plot. But in that mind-blowing moment, as the main character begins to understand and use his ability to change the flow of time, everything suddenly starts to fall into place, and it is one hell of a ride. Tenet is indeed Nolan's most ambitious film, and like all his other films, it will be subjected to a variety of, more or less justified, criticism. But as always, it is the only really must-see film of the year whose technical side, storytelling, and the way it is filmed relegates the rest of the Hollywood production to second-class status. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Let's be honest - who understood this movie right from the beginning? :) Time traveling and bending of the spacetime continuum are always quite complicated matters, but they can be presented in a relatively understandable way, which, unfortunately, wasn't the case for me here. The concept is great, the actors are good (Pattinson pleasantly surprises), the effects are cool, and the action is intense, but towards the end, there are too many unanswered questions and a slight taste of not fully grasping the plot, resulting in an incomplete experience. Christopher Nolan has shown he can do much better, as demonstrated in movies like Inception or Interstellar. This is, for me, his weakest work so far, but still a quality watch. ()