The Return of Sherlock Holmes - Season 2 (1988) (saison)

The Devil's Foot (S02E01)

Policier / Mystère
Grande-Bretagne, 1988, 52 min


Ken Hannam


Arthur Conan Doyle (livre)


John Hawkesworth


Mike Popley


Patrick Gowers
(autres professions)


Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on holiday in Cornwall when a young woman is found dead from no apparent injuries. Meanwhile, it appears that overnight her two brothers have become raving imbeciles - but why? Holmes investigates to discover the truth. (iTunes)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais In this episode, Jeremy Brett is simply incredible - his performance cannot be described in any other way. He changes so many positions from bitter to 100% deranged... Of course, Edward Hardwicke plays an equally important role, without whose believable care it could not have been the same. The Devil's Foot is one of my favorite cases, and its adaptation certainly did not disappoint me. ()