Black and Blue

  • États-Unis Exposure (titre de travail) (plus)
Bande-annonce 1


Black and Blue is a fast-paced action thriller about a rookie cop  (Naomie Harris) who inadvertently captures the murder of a young drug dealer on her body cam. After realizing that the murder was committed by corrupt cops, she teams up with the one person from her community who is willing to help her (Tyrese Gibson) as she tries to escape both the criminals out for revenge and the police who are desperate to destroy the incriminating footage. (UrbanWorld Film Festival)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Very nice surprise!! Simple and straightforward, but authentic, uncomfortable, harsh and at the same time very entertaining. The film is more or less about police corruption and drug dealers going after one honest rookie, Naomie Harris, who is alone against everyone. Frank Grillo as the bad guy is awesome, the shootouts are raw and the squalor of New Orleans is captured believably. A movie full of bad guys. 7.5/10. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Excellent thriller d’action qui m’a coupé le souffle par moments, car j’avais terriblement peur qu’il arrive quelque chose à ma chère Naomie Harris. Je ne savais pas à quoi m’attendre, je n’étais pas au courant du synopsis, et ma satisfaction n’en a été que plus grande. Je pourrais faire les fines bouches et me plaindre de petits défauts çà et là, mais je préfère m’abstenir étant donné que ce film d’action m’a procuré un moment de divertissement de qualité. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Decent craftsmanship with an extremely eager and excellent performance from Naomie Harris, who proves that she can not only be a nice talisman for the new Bond films, but can reliably handle a full-blooded lead role in a gritty cop action flick that occasionally peeks like Ayer, occasionally thunders like Johannson from Sicario, but qualitatively is neither. The sometimes stilted script is saved by the ghetto feel of New Orleans and surprisingly fierce action sequences, a small plus for the straightforwardly sketched racial issues and disproportionate police behaviour, a very topical issue indeed. ()