VOD (1)


Il y a 25 ans, Twin Peaks, petite ville du nord-ouest des Etats-Unis, était le théâtre d'un crime qui avait bouleversé ses habitants. Sur place, l'agent fédéral Dale Cooper tentait de trouver la clé de l'énigme, qui le conduisait aux portes de la folie. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, un nouveau crime est commis... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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anglais I don’t know. The first impression is tentative and contradictory, but I’m ready to review it after watching the whole series. It will greatly depend on where the new Twin Peaks goes with the remaining episodes and what will come out of it. So far, it’s really painful to watch Dale Cooper as he wanders from nowhere to nowhere with a sad expression, and his evil twin who looks like Pavel Kříž taking part in The Masked Singer disguised as Elvis. And the old familiar faces cringingly trying to act the same as 25 years ago. And the new characters that so far have failed to interest me. Basically, after 3 episodes, it has too little of the old Twin Peaks that I love, and too much of later Lynch which is beyond me. But it’s too soon to write a final opinion, the jury is not out yet. ()