
Aucune météorite n’a frappé la Terre. Aucune guerre nucléaire n’a été déclenchée. Mais quelque chose est arrivé. Les communications entre toutes les villes ont cessé. Seule une petite zone en Europe a encore l’électricité. Au-delà, les forces militaires découvrent l’impensable : il y a des cadavres partout… Qui se cache derrière cette apocalypse ? L’humanité survivra-t-elle ? (Koba Films)


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anglais Russia's World War Z with aliens! The trailer was very deceiving, I was expecting zombies and it ended up being an alien invasion, which is a good thing because there are very few movies like this. The film has a pretty decent story that introduces the aliens to us in an interesting way and it has a cool idea, so a big plus for that. The characters are cool, there is plenty of action, the visuals are top notch and there are also quite a few atmospheric and memorable scenes (the bears, the kamikaze, the half hour finale with the tanks or the fight with the aliens on a roof reminded me of the best of The Matrix). An epic Russian blockbuster that of course has its flaws and those who want to look for them will find them, but there's no reason, it's fine action entertainment. The Russians are pretty much on fire this year. Story****, Action****, Humor>No, Violence***, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7/10. ()