Monty Python's Flying Circus - Season 1 (1969) (saison)

Nudité frontale intégrale (S01E08)

  • Grande-Bretagne Full Frontal Nudity

VOD (1)


Deux mafieux font une offre à l'armée, qu'elle refuse catégoriquement. Un perroquet est en mal de fjords. Des mamies sèment la terreur dans un village autrefois paisible. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The eighth episode was simply excellent, each sketch was stopped before the punchline, which Python could have a trademark for. The ideas for each scene were great, the military unit facing rocket fire, buying a bed and especially the mattress and the cunning grandmothers were very entertaining for me, but the Dead Parrot sketch won on all fronts, in which John Cleese and especially Michael Palin excelled. I just have a feeling that this sketch works as an instructional video for people dealing with complaints. ()

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