Fruits Basket

  • Japon フルーツバスケット (plus)
Bande-annonce 2
Japon, (2019–2021), 25 h 37 min (Durée : 24–25 min)


高屋奈月 (bande dessinée)


Masaru Yokoyama


Manaka Iwami, Yūma Uchida, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Yûichi Nakamura, Maaya Sakamoto, Matsuri Kurosaki, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Makoto Furukawa, Megumi Han (plus)
(autres professions)

Saisons(3) / Épisodes(63)


Tohru Honda, jeune orpheline de seize ans ayant perdu sa mère dans un tragique accident de voiture, vit seule dans une tente sur un terrain vague. C’était sans compter sur la générosité du propriétaire du terrain, Shigure Soma, qui lui propose de l’héberger le temps qu’elle retrouve un logement décent. Tohru se retrouve alors à vivre sous le même toit que la star du lycée, Yuki Soma, mais elle découvrira rapidement qu’un lourd secret pèse sur cette famille maudite. (ADN)


Critique de l’utilisateur·trice Jeoffrey pour cette série (3)

Season 1 (2019) (S01) 

anglais For all of you who were not completely satisfied with the older version from 2001, and were bitching about it (especially the ending) deviating from the original manga series in certain parts (which had not been finished at the time, and the anime’s creators had simply taken it in their own direction), here comes the second attempt! Come and see that life does not have to be like a box of chocolates, and it may be more accurate to say that life is like a basket of fruits. You never know what you are going to get, every fruit has its own origin and history, it could be sweet, or unripe, or even rotten, and so a basket of fruits is filled with a lot of surprises, just like life itself, sometimes good, sometimes bad... This time it is really well done, which made me downgrade the rating of the original anime series because this new version is objectively better! I am not going to say it looks better, each adaptation has its own art style, and usually, the older anime series had more attention to detail. However, I dare to say that this adaptation is better paced, has a better atmosphere, and a better overall feel. The ending of the first season especially adapts basically the same part of the original version, is much more poignant, and makes more sense - in other words, yes, this is how it should have been. Of course, the manga artist had already finished writing the rest of it, so the new anime series could be nicely divided into at least two seasons and adapted in a better way, so they have it much easier than the animation studio in 2001 and I found it more enjoyable. It really is quite enjoyable, because the narratives are not monochromatic, they are intricate and complex, just as life itself is. Yes, OK, so sometimes some things are exaggerated, excessive, and unrealistic, although it does not happen much, or spoil the realism of the anime series in general. I like the characters in the show, some of them seem uncomplicated at first glance although they have complicated pasts, so they are not really what they seem to be, others seem innocent even though in the end they are the biggest manipulators (Shigure) and then there is Tohru. I know a lot of people were bitching about this incredibly naive girl back in 2001 even though I just adored her. She is like Forrest Gump (simple, and most of her wisdom comes from her mom!) crossed with a naive, clumsy puppy, who does not give up, says what she thinks, and can actually be a real help to everyone around her. Believe me, if you had someone like Tohru around, you would be just as happy as the main protagonists in this show. Like Tohru, I like the two main protagonists, they are interesting characters, and they are certainly glamorous bishis (it is adapted from a shoujo manga series after all), however, they have charisma and are mysterious - they are just the kind of gentlemen that even someone like me would find interesting. I also enjoyed most of the supporting characters too, whether from the Sohma family or just Tohru's friend. In addition, the soundtrack is full of wonderful music... Anyway, enough already, I do not think I need to say any more, it is clear that I was really excited about and very entertained by the new adaptation of "Fruits Basket" (I also found the original adaptation entertaining) and that is why after the first season I am going to award it 9/10, and I am going to be eagerly awaiting for the adaptation of the other parts of the original manga series that we have not seen yet… () (moins) (plus)

Season 2 (2020) (S02) 

anglais This is a beautifully complex story, filled with lots of bittersweet emotions, nice pacing, interesting twists, and the gradual development of a large number of characters. The atmosphere of the show, delivering different moods where some moments are just beautiful, and sometimes there are also some sad moments, and even scenes that make us angry - it is just like what real life is supposed to be like. I thoroughly enjoyed every episode and I did not really care who it was focused on because there are so many interesting characters, and they have such complicated stories and there are the never-ending struggles of the individual protagonists, with, more often than not, themselves... The best thing about it is probably the simplicity and consistency ...the way everything happens, the quality of the workmanship that convinces me that things that happen in the show are completely believable. There are a lot of colorful rainbows, enchanting moments, and yet also a lot of heartache and suffering... I found the second season was also enchanting, and I am happy that I am finally watching the uncut story in all its complexity and ambiguity. I am happy to write a gushing review of so many wonderful, difficult, and complex characters. This is an awesome show, and along with the wonderfully chosen openings and endings, which evoke the right kind of welcoming, enchanting, and maybe even a bit of a thought-provoking atmosphere, I really enjoyed this and it is not just the ending that is making me look forward to the third season. This is an excellent adaptation, a wonderful season, and please, keep it up. 9.5/10. ()

The Final (2021) (S03) 

anglais Fruits Basket - The Final is like an intense, ferocious thunderstorm, and after the storm, all that remains is a clear blue sky and beautifully clean air. The first two-thirds of this season are a decent slice of life drama in which everything that has been building up in the previous season gets expounded on, a lot of the issues find resolution, tying up almost all the loose ends. The last third of the season rewards the audience and the characters, leaving them with a promise of hope and good things to come. All together, I think this is a wonderful anime series that can show you a lot about how much one person can break another, and also the opposite, how much one person can help to heal another. There are so many examples of lousy parenting, the problems associated with that, and consequences that some carry, so that it makes you think twice about maybe how to properly treat children and people who are a little different. This anime series is easy to grasp, and the mostly likeable characters are quite intelligible. Anime often likes to show how things could be better handled and what really matters in life. So, I was enthralled by every minute of this (particular) series and left satisfied, moved, and full of lasting impressions. There is a lot we carry inside us, people are not only black and white, everyone has a good and bad side, their angels and also demons; and the people we like and who like us back always leave us deeply affected. It was a deep and intense anime series, however, it was also often beautifully relaxed and had a good pace, just like a rollercoaster ride, or life itself, with this last part being like a steep descent down to a peaceful finishing line. For an emotionally sensitive person, I think Fruits Basket - The Final will be an enjoyable and powerful experience. A reflective person is probably going to be able to find a lot of clever parallels, and appreciate what the anime series is trying to convey and the way it does that. This finale and the whole anime series was, in a word, awesome, and the only complaint I have with Fruits Basket - The Final is that I did not like the opening at all this time, however, that is not such a big deal. 9.3/10. ()