
At a secret training facility, a young group of cadets are put through their paces by a tough taskmaster: Colonel Jack O'Neill. Through several rigorous training scenarios we see how hard it is for these four young troops including Lt. Hailey (from last season's "Prodigy") and Lt. Elliot, the team leader, to qualify for assignment to off-world Stargate teams. Only the very best of the best make get a Stargate team assignment. But midway through a training exercise, the group is interrupted by news of a possible foothold situation at SGC. Knowing that many other troops may be compromised, O'Neill has no choice but to take his recruits into a very real battle at Stargate Command. The young team must now pull together and use all their skills to prove to the SGC and themselves that they. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))


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