
When TV reporter Julia Donovan gets wind of a top secret project called Prometheus, the president orders General Hammond to kill the story. An incensed Donovan threatens to alert the foreign media, forcing Hammond to offer her a tour of the project in return for an exclusive at a later date. Prometheus turns out to be a spaceship combining human know-how with alien technology recovered from a spacecraft that crashed in Alaska in 1978. While Jonas and Carter give Donovan and her producer a tour of the bridge, the TV crew - Smith, Reynolds Jones and Sanderson - overpowers the guards and activate the ship's lockdown controls. Carter goes to investigate and runs into the hijackers, who manage to lock her in a utility closet. The hijackers demand the release of two prisoners, Colonel Frank Simmons and the notorious gou'ald scientist Adrian Conrad. Carter contacts O'Neill by radio and tells him the hijackers are trying to steal the X-303, but it's too late. They escape as soon as Conrad and Simmons are board. O'Neill and Teal'c give chase in a pair of much smaller X-302s, which are able to dock undetected by the X-303's partially finished security system. As the vessel heads into hyperspace, Conrad tries to kill Simmons. The two struggle and Conrad ends up dead. O'Neill and Teal'c find Simmons, who turns out to be gou'ald just like Conrad, and a vicious battle ensues. Just as Teal'c is about to die O'Neill activates the airlock and Simmons gets sucked out the door. As the X-303 drifts helplessly through hyperspace, the Asgard leader Thor appears and appeals for help battling an infestation of replicators that has over-run his homeworld. This sets the stage for next week's conclusion, "Unnatural Selection." (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))


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