Canción sin nombre

  • Grande-Bretagne Song Without a Name
Bande-annonce 1


Pérou, au plus fort de la crise politique des années 80. Georgina attend son premier enfant. Sans ressources, elle répond à l’annonce d’une clinique qui propose des soins gratuits aux femmes enceintes. Mais après l’accouchement, on refuse de lui dire où est son bébé. Décidée à retrouver sa fille, elle sollicite l’aide du journaliste Pedro Campos qui accepte de mener l’enquête. (Sophie Dulac Distribution)


Critiques (1)

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anglais In a country plagued by inflation and high unemployment, it is hard to start a family. The main character also falls into the trap of a fraudulent clinic, where her baby is taken away immediately after birth under the pretext that it had to be transferred to the hospital for observation. Georgina is then unceremoniously pushed out the door. Her poignant cries demanding her stolen newborn truly tug at the heartstrings, much like the entire film, which Melina León directed based on real events. The authenticity of the story is underscored by the impressive black-and-white visuals, with traditional Peruvian music also contributing significantly. (80%) ()