VOD (1)


En 2163, le vaisseau spatial Ikarie XB-1 (Ikarus XB-1) est en mission à la recherche d'une mystérieuse « Planète blanche » en orbite autour de l'étoile Alpha du Centaure. Si le voyage de l'équipage ne dure que 28 mois, 15 ans auront passé sur Terre au moment où la mission parviendra à destination. Au cours de ce voyage, une quarantaine de scientifiques de tous pays apprennent à vivre ensemble et doivent faire face à quelques péripéties, telles que la rencontre avec un appareil spatial du XXe siècle, l'instabilité mentale d'un des passagers ou l'apparition de symptômes liés à une « étoile noire » radioactive. (Capricci Films)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A wonderful example that in history we have absolutely great sci-fi movies that are definitely worth attention. They are not just silly things that would be entertaining, but there are also quite deep films that can inspire even fans of old-school sci-fi. I first heard about "Ikaria XB 1" as a cult film. Absolutely rightfully so. Excellent actors, excellent psychology, and excellently mastered decorations. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Although there are a few jokes in the script of Voyage to the End of the Universe, it is still a serious-minded and above all successful sci-fi film, i.e., an unrepeated event in Czech cinema. The chilling scene with the discovery of the ship and its exploration is clearly the best, but the ending doesn't lag behind it in any way. Jindřich Polák was a great visionary who made Czech films in a world style. The impressiveness of Voyage is also helped by Liška's music and especially by the actresses and actors. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In its time, it was world-class smart sci-fi, with decent special effects and spiced up with Czech A-list actors. What impresses more than the quiet plot is the meticulous camera work and its relationship to the surrounding enclosed environment, which in many ways evokes the more recent Space Odyssey and a much purer genre work than many of its successors. A little more pessimism and suspense would have been nice, but there's still plenty to look at, the degradation of ageing threatens Icarus XB 1 and its sympathetic crew only minimally. 75% ()