
  • anglais A Very Bad Friend


Mika, un petit escroc, a fait un rapide tour en prison, où il a fait la connaissance de « Poutine », un détenu cinglé et imprévisible. Sitôt sa peine purgée, il décide de repartir à zéro et de refaire sa vie. Alors qu’il s’apprête à épouser la fille d’un riche homme d’affaires, son passé le rattrape : Poutine débarque sans prévenir ! Mika va vite réaliser qu’on ne se débarrasse pas aisément d’un tel boulet... (SND)


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anglais After a long time another fine comedy from France. It has a novel idea about a con man who goes to prison, where he meets a man who calls himself Putin and is obsessed with everything Russian (the best character in the film!). Once he gets out he changes his identity, gets a rich girlfriend and a good job and starts doing great, until his former cellmate comes back and starts to make his life quite annoying. The digs at Russia are great, the humour is on par, there are solid laughs to be had, the music is good and the characters are likeable. The film gets more serious and action packed towards the end. A good one-shot. Story 3/5, Action 1/5, Humour 4/5, Violence 0/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 2/5. 7/10. ()