Agatha Christie : Poirot - Season 2 (1990) (saison)

The Disapperance of Mr. Davenheim (S02E05)

Grande-Bretagne, 1990, 52 min


Andrew Grieve


Agatha Christie (nouvelle)


David Renwick


Ivan Strasburg
(autres professions)

VOD (1)


Wealthy banker Matthew Davenheim leaves his country mansion to walk to the post office after tea and is never seen again. He was expected to meet his colleague Lowen from the 4.45 train but Lowen sees no one on his walk from the station to Davenheim's house. Inspector Japp wagers that Poirot will not be able to solve the mystery without leaving his apartment which, much to the Belgian detective's disgust, he is currently sharing with a parrot. (iTunes)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais When a good detective story is combined with a great comedic twist, which revolves around a bet this time, where Poirot must solve a case without leaving the house, a great story is created that entertains you, and even if you figure out the twist earlier, you will still enjoy the jokes and magical tricks. Overall, it is excellently combined. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim belongs to that group of cases that stand out for their playfulness with the viewer and their attention. It is also a very funny episode, mainly thanks to the bet between Japp and Poirot, who passes the time in his apartment by learning magic, in the company of a poisoned parrot. I also liked the use of flashbacks, which were spared in previous episodes. ()