
Comment Franklin Hatchett, escroc blagueur au petit pied, va se retrouver enchaîné à un grand criminel trafiquant de diamants au cours d'un transport en autobus. Comment le grand criminel va s'évader en entraînant dans son sillage Franklin, devenu un témoin gênant. (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I understand now why I was unaware of this movie my entire life. At first glance, the combination of Charlie Sheen and Chris Tucker appears incredibly funny, but once you watch it, the happiness disappears not only from your lips, but also from the movie itself, which is inconspicuously inflating the thought bubble in your head with the label “a good comedy”, until it bursts and you shut down the TV out of exhaustion from the motion pictures, as you realize you are not able to finish watching such a boring film. ()

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