
A la mort de Beethoven, Anton Schindler, son légataire testamentaire, découvre un testament annulant les précédents, dans lequel le compositeur exprime son intention de léguer tous ses biens à son "immortelle bien-aimée". Contre l'avis de la famille, Schindler décide d'accomplir la volonté du maître et pour cela de découvrir l'identité de cette mystérieuse femme. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's a little weak. For a film about Beethoven, it has two main strengths. The first is Beethoven's music itself, the second is Gary Oldman. Unfortunately, none of the ladies or other actors help drive the film, and the revelation of the truth about who Beethoven's property is intended for isn't as interesting and thrilling as you would hope. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The unequivocal advantage of the film is Oldman in the title role and, of course, Beethoven's music, which gives even mediocre scenes a gigantic charge. Despite some undeniably impressive visual moments, however, the film is merely a stereotypical playing on the string of a love story, which is intended to reveal a piece of the master's inner self with its sound, but unfortunately fades out into nothing. It's definitely not a bad film, but it doesn't quite achieve its potential. ()