
Le Bal avant la bataille (E01)


VOD (1)


James Trenchard, un homme d'affaires prospère, se sert de la relation de sa fille Sophia avec Lord Bellasis pour obtenir des faveurs et consent à leur mariage. Mais Lord Bellasis est tué sur le champ de bataille lorsque Sophia découvre que la cérémonie était une imposture et qu'elle est enceinte... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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anglais It's often said that everyone has their Achilles' heel. I'm no exception. Most of the time, I'm a cynical bastard who can make fun of almost any situation. I don't flinch at the sight of a dissected human anatomy, and I don't consider myself soft in other regards either. However, show me an English tale with manors, and people above and below the stairs, and I'll eat it right up. I'm quite satisfied with the first episode, especially since the creators managed to deftly intertwine historical events into the narrative. However, I still suspect I'll enjoy the English setting much more than Belgium. / Lesson learned: Are you looking forward to war? Unless you're a scavenger, you're making a mistake. 3*+ ()