Queen of Outer Space

  • États-Unis Queen of Outer Space


Echoué sur la planète Vénus, quatre astronuates découvrent une planète luxuriante peuplée de séduisantes amazones. Ils apprennent aussi que ce peuple essentiellement féminin est dirigé par Yllana, une reine cruelle mais qu'une résistance existe sous la forme d'un groupe de femmes dirigé par la belle et intelligente Talleah... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Such a intrusive film that wants to pretend that a patriarchal society is the only possible functioning one. The whole film is quite chauvinistic, and even though at first glance it looks like an episode of the old "Star Trek", it is still simpler and not very entertaining. From the plot to the formal aspect, it is constantly focused on the idea that women are beautiful, and even if they may be deceitful, it is men who will prevail. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Poster tagline: MANKIND’S FIRST FANTASTIC FLIGHT TO VENUS – THE FEMALE PLANET! A slightly chauvinistic sci-fi flick in which you learn that only women live on Venus, walk around in miniskirts, are lightly armed and their boss, wearing a mask on her disfigured face, hates men with all her heart. That's why she wants to eliminate the all-male space expedition from planet Earth and destroy Earth itself with a special invention (which looks like a plasterboard chicken coop with a propeller). Within the sci-fi B-movie genre of the time, it’s rather sumptuously produced, shot in widescreen cinemascope, and to save money, they used stuff from other films like sets from World Without End, a spaceship model from Flight To Mars, and decent colourful costumes from the famous Forbidden Planet. The main star is the then-popular Zsa Zsa Gabor, a woman with the looks of an ageing Marilyn Monroe and definitely someone who couldn't act. Taken through the lens of today, this film is a fine unintentional comedy and I'm not surprised at the cult status it has overseas. ()