VOD (1)


Ancien soldat dans les troupes d'élite, Walt Koontz est un homme ultra conservateur et fier de l'être. Tout l'oppose à son voisin Rusty, un jeune artiste travesti au comportement excentrique et au franc-parler. Une nuit, Walt tente d'intervenir, pistolet au poing, dans une bagarre, mais est terrassé par une attaque cérébrale. Paralysé, l'ex-marine devient presque incapable de parler et de marcher. Pour sa rééducation, on lui recommande des cours de chant. Rudy va lui servir de professeur... (ESC Distribution)


Critiques (1)

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anglais A conservative and withdrawn detective finds a complicated path to a flamboyant transsexual and they end up becoming good friends. Sufficient annotation to set the stage for the world's worst movie, but that would not have been possible with the empathetic observer Schumacher behind the camera, who has always loved the mean streets, the blending of cultures, and generally fawned over people from the lower echelons of society. Flawless works mainly because every direction and opinion is given its own backdrop, and with a good selection of locations, (non-)actors, and proper casting here, it is able to build integrity for even the most lapsed physiotherapist. You can see it in the way everyone fits the part, the interactions work and the scenes that don't move the plot at all are a particular joy here. And Hoffman is, once again, absolutely incredible. ()