
It is autumn 1941. Acting Reichsprotector Reinhard Heydrich has taken up his position in the occupied Czech lands and Moravia. His old rival from the Nazi supremoes, Admiral Canaris, objects to Heydrich's cruelty, which raises great hatred everywhere he goes. Meanwhile, selected Czechoslovak soldiers undergo paratrooper training in Great Britain; the soldiers are then to be dropped into Czech territory to support the local resistance. Several groups of well-trained men will soon see their homeland. They succeed in contacting members of the resistance and find a hiding place in Prague. They manage to contact the command in Britain via transmitter. The required air-raid on the Škoda factory in Plzeň fails. Heydrich and Canaris visit the St Vitus' Cathedral and the Reichsprotector capriciously puts the crown of the Bohemian kings on his head - an act which, as the legend goes, will bring him death. Two of the soldiers - Strnad and Vyskočil - assassinate Heydrich. They step in front of his car, severely wound the Protector and run away. Heydrich dies and the revenge of the occupying forces is horrendous. Hundreds of citizens are executed. The village of Lidice is burnt to the ground and all its inhabitants are massacred. Due to the betrayal of one of the paratroopers, Karel Vrbas, the Nazis find the church where the others are hiding. All those who had hitherto provided them a shelter are arrested and executed. The paratroopers, however, do not give up and those who survive the fire fight kill themselves rather than surrender. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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