The Blob: A Genius Without a Brain

  • France Le Blob, un génie sans cerveau


Ni plante, ni animal, ni champignon, le Blob ne possède ni cerveau, ni système nerveux, mais est capable d’apprendre et d’enseigner à ses semblables en quelques heures seulement… Mais qui est véritablement le Blob ? (Arcadès)

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anglais Before the screening of the film, I had almost no knowledge of slime molds, which, despite their primitive structure, have extraordinary properties that could be the envy of any other creature. In the course of fifty minutes, the viewer learns various insights into the life of these single-celled organisms that continue to surprise scientists. These billion year old creatures can do unimaginable things without brains, nervous systems, mouths and limbs that make people lose their minds – ideally, they could be used in the future for research into serious diseases. I was also very interested in the information insert with the flatworms. ()