
Roy McAvoy est un joueur de golf de talent qui met toutes les malchances de son côté jusqu'au jour où son principal concurrent l'engage comme simple caddie pour encore mieux l'humilier. Roy accepte mais il se rebiffe au beau milieu d'une compétition et fait un scandale. Il ne reste qu'une chance à Roy pour ne pas être complètement déshonoré à ses propres yeux: gagner l'US Open! (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don’t need to be a golf enthusiast to like this film. For as much as it sticks rigidly to the beaten track, is blindly predictable and pathetic to such an extent that even the main character's name sounds somehow lofty and otherworldly, it remains first and foremost an extremely easygoing, upbeat and funny movie about a beautiful sport, and with the best possible cast director Shelton could have wished for. As far as Costner's worlds are concerned, the "Perfect" one is by far the most impressive and the best in terms of quality, but I would much rather visit the "Green" one, considering the final message. 80% and it’s about time I tried golf at least once :) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A slightly (below)average love story set in the world of top golf, and the beginning of Kevin's gradual decline. At times you get lost in the deluge of golf terms, but I believe golf enthusiasts will be in seventh heaven. If someone wanted to make something like this but from the world of professional tennis, that would be for me. ()