
L’énigmatique shérif Walt Coogan est réputé pour ses méthodes plutôt expéditives. Afin de le sanctionner, ses supérieurs le chargent d’extrader un détenu, James Ringerman, de New York vers une prison d’Arizona. Mais lors de la mission, le prisonnier s’évade et le shérif est dessaisi de l’affaire. Le dangereux cowboy va alors s’engager dans une traque brutale entre les gratte-ciel de Manhattan. (Universal Pictures Vidéo FR)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A very likeable and stylish spectacle every second with the classic Clint Eastwood as a cocky modern cowboy who solves things in contemporary New York in a pretty old-fashioned way. A clear warm-up for (plot-wise much more interesting) Dirty Harry with reliable direction by Siegel and excellent music by Schifrin. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Clint Eastwood was a champ nearly fifty years ago already. He would drink in his movies, cheat on his wife, get his ass beaten and then get up and face it all with bells on. The characters that the story treats however it wants are probably a thing of the past. But it’s a joy to see a character like that once in a while. They get a lot more under one’s skin than the divas of the current era. The issue with this movie, however, is the story. In the first half, it creates a certain relationship with a character who does a lot of bad things, but they do it so decently that, given the era, it simply doesn’t do anything for me. The second half has a bit more juice, but it simply can’t save the movie. ()