
Mère élevant seule ses trois enfants, Erin Brockovich n'avait vraiment pas besoin d'un accident de voiture. D'autant que le responsable sort du tribunal financièrement indemne. Obligée de trouver rapidement un travail pour couvrir tous ses frais medicaux et de justice, Erin obtient de son avocat de l'employer comme archiviste dans son cabinet. Son allure et son franc-parler ne lui valent pas des débuts faciles mais elle apprend vite. En classant des documents, Erin déterre une affaire louche d'empoisonnement et décide de se jeter dans la bataille. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I thought that it would be Julia who would be the most interesting thing in the film, but she wasn't. In fact, she didn't suit the role. I thought she was a little too Hollywood for what she was playing, but oh well. Albert Finney intrigued me more, as did the story, which is one of those examples that sometimes justice does prevail, at least a little. Or at least about people getting money, if not life. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Soderbergh sometimes knows how and sometimes annoys terribly. And a personal story of a woman in contemporary society simply could not end differently than with the second case. When Julia Roberts plays effort, she plays determination and plays a deservedly successful one, it can turn out in a way that I don't believe her even a bit. Not a single bit of genuine emotion drips from any of the present actors, and Soderbergh constantly disregards the viewer who wants to see the promised drama. However, he subtly flatters all critics of society (disgustingly opportunistic public vs. freedom and family values). Americans are sometimes fooled only by a change of curtain. ()