Le Boucher

France / Italie, 1970, 93 min


A un repas de noces, Mlle Hélène, jeune sympathique directrice d'école, fait la connaissance de Popaul Thomas, le boucher du bourg, un ancien des guerres d'Indochine et d'Algérie. Ils se revoient volontiers et demeurent bons amis. Un jour, on découvre une fille du bourg voisin assassinée à coups de couteau, mais les recherches de la police restent vaines... (Artédis)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I thought it would be an exceptional film, but it simply isn't. It's a good movie that brings together two interesting and completely different characters, but that's simply the main thing the film offers. Yes, it works, and those characters are good, and they're brilliantly acted, even though the male character didn't captivate me as much, but there's simply nothing more to it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Something between a weird romance, a detective movie and a cigarette ad. I really can’t understand why this film was produced, why someone wanted to make something so empty. The Butcher is certainly not badly made, but it feels terribly uninteresting, so much that I was actually surprised. Basically, it’s so derivative that it made curious, I hoped that the end would bring some sort of great surprise, because such “nothing” could have never possibly been made! Alas. What’s interesting, though, is that the film still exhausted me. ()