Comment voler un million de dollars

  • États-Unis How to Steal a Million (plus)


Malgré les réticences de sa fille Nicole, Charles Bonnet, collectionneur et faussaire parisien, décide de prêter une prétendue Vénus du sculpteur Benvenuto Cellini à un grand musée. Quand il apprend que la statuette va être examinée par un expert renommé, il craint d’être démasqué. Seule solution : subtiliser l'objet du délit. Nicole décide de recruter Simon Dermott, un cambrioleur qui a tenté, quelques jours plus tôt, de dérober un faux Van Gogh à son domicile. Celui-ci est en réalité un enquêteur chargé de traquer les faussaires… (Arte)


Critiques (6)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It has an American feel but it’s full of European actors and French setting. You don’t get to see that much of America actually. And that’s a good thing, because the entire time I was watching the beautiful Audrey Hepburn and charismatic Peter O’Toole, I kept thinking of the Pink Panther. I felt really great watching this. The long scene of the theft itself is practically unforgettable. It’s not only fun, but also very ingenious. Hats off. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais One of the so-called American classics of the 1960s: Audrey Hepburn’s cute smile, the blue eyes of the charming Peter O'Toole, Audrey Hepburn and her magical look, William Wyler without sandals and without Charlton Heston and Audrey Hepburn...., just Audrey Hepburn. It's not the most imaginative, refined or funny crime comedy, but everything is somehow mixed and shaken in just the right way to make it enjoyable and interesting to watch even after all these years. Tasteful, smart and not boring.... what more can you ask? :)) 80% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Nice unpretentious heist comedy with charming Audrey Hepburn and charismatic Peter O'Toole - the chemistry between them worked excellently and a considerable part of the runtime they managed on the screen alone. Magnificently complemented them in the role of a forger of art pieces was the fabulous Hugh Griffith, who stole almost every scene he appeared in for himself. William Wyler was a skilled craftsman, who had a brilliant sense for choosing material for filming and How to Steal a Million only confirms that. With this work, he did not create such an iconic film monument for Paris as Roman Holiday for Rome, but it certainly belongs to the golden fund of Hollywood classics. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais "I feel like I'm going to faint! - Don’t, there’s no room." How to Steal a Million has been with us for quite a few years now, but it manages to appeal to today's viewers as well, mainly thanks to a well plotted story, funny dialogues and an amazing cast. Audrey Hepburn never disappoints me, she inhabits the role of the fragile but all the more determined daughter of a con man in a great way. Peter O'Toole, whose blue eyes could rival Paul Newman's on the spot, has charisma to spare and was very convincing as the ambiguously cunning thief. And there was also an incredible and genuine chemistry between the two actors, which is not always a sure thing in film. The funny supporting characters were the icing on the cake – the forger's father, the lusty art collector or the group of museum guards. The closet sequence was unmistakable, no wonder it took eleven days to film. A truly timeless romantic comedy, but one that also manages to stretch the viewer quite a bit. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The first time I saw this film was before the age of ten. I enjoyed it even then, and it hasn’t changed over time. The two protagonists were great, Calvera was also excellent in his role, and the story, despite its simplicity and naivety, was extremely entertaining. 4*+ ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole are such a great couple that you can forgive them for just goofing off at times. In fact, those moments can be even more enjoyable than the whole saga surrounding the theft of the statue. It's funny, it has a nice pace for its length, but it's still those two main actors who impress the most. ()