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Critiques (3 561)


Jamais plus jamais (1983) 

anglais A strange (non)Bond movie. I had missed out on seeking it for a long time and I must say I didn't miss much. While Sean Connery is still at home in the lead role, and when it comes to action the viewer has something to watch, a lot of the rest of it is odd or downright bad. For example, a story ripped off from Thunderball that lacks any suspense and perhaps even meaning. Or Legrand's music, which is not even close to the quality of Barry's. Max von Sydow could have been a good Blofeld if he had been given proper space, and Klaus Maria Brandauer as the villain doesn't carry out any extra atrocities. Half an hour before the end, I was already bored, and the biggest shock was yet to come - yes, a horse jump that would not have made it into even the silliest Bond film with Roger Moore. Overall, it's weak, but there are some good scenes (for example, the opening and the whole recovery passage, including the fight in the gym).


Critical Care (1997) 

anglais A cynical comedy drama that can be watched without worrying about your own health (hehe), especially if you get used to the shrill and really hard to bear Kyra Sedgwick as quickly as possible. I will remember Critical Care most fondly, mainly because of Helen Mirren's beautiful performance and everything that revolved around "her" patient. Including that wonderfully laughing devil.


Der Wixxer (2004) 

anglais I don't like those generalizing statements like "Germans have no sense of humor" because it could easily be said that Czechs are alcoholics, any Arabs can't leave the house without dynamite around their waist, etc. (yes, I know that's what they say). However, it is a fact that the filmmakers of this film are not very good with humor. At least not the kind that I enjoy. Yes, it's true that I laughed several times, but it was always at the same character - Hatler the butler with the heel and moustache (you can see him in the gallery). I don't consider Nazi jokes, the Nazi salute and the like to be the pinnacle of entertainment, but what the heck, the one-eyed man gave it to the blind once again and I laughed at least a few times. Otherwise, it's to the film's credit that it's not disgusting or extra offensive. Unfortunately, though, it’s quite bland.


Charleston (1977) 

anglais Set in England, a very enjoyable Italian variation on the American film The Sting. As pleasant as it is, it is also intelligent and at times really, really funny. But Charleston is not to be underestimated - if you're not paying attention, you'll miss a few seconds... And suddenly you don’t know what's going on, who's who and what's about to happen. I didn't expect to like this film so much. I know for a fact I'll watch it again soon. And it's going to be the dubbed version again. Rudolf Hrušínský voiced Bud Spencer here for the first time ever, and he did it perfectly, and as for the other Czechoslovak voices, I would especially like to highlight Ilya Prachař, who makes the endlessly stupid and constantly choleric American owner of a floating casino so charming.


Morgiana (1972) 

anglais What fascinates me about Morgiana is the way Juraj Herz plays with the audience. You think you'll hope for good sister Clara's recovery, but after a while you become more interested in evil Victoria and suddenly you're rooting for her as well, even though you tell yourself you shouldn't for some moral reason. And it is exactly these thoughts that Herz laughs at - and he can laugh mainly thanks to the absolutely perfect Iva Janžurová in the title role. Thank whoever for the idea to cast her and only her. And when the beautiful music by Fišer plays, the camera looks through cat's eyes and we see an unusually scary hallucination scene... There's really nothing to worry about. I watched Morgiana at two in the morning because I just didn't want to sleep. The movie ended, and I didn't want to sleep anymore, but for completely different reasons.


LOL USA (2012) 

anglais A terribly dull film. After twenty minutes I was tempted to turn off the DVD player and do something more meaningful, i.e., absolutely anything, but in the end I held on until the expected ending(s). Miley Cyrus (here in the days before she was disgraced) otherwise acts fairly well, and the same is true of Demi Moore... But when they have nothing to act with, it amounts to misery. The only bright spot was the scene with the parents at dinner and the offspring in the room. Otherwise, nothing. And it was also a bit of a mess that the only original idea, i.e., the chat windows popping right into the image, was killed via the cropping of the image.__P.S. If the image wasn't cropped and the windows were cut that way on purpose, the creators are even more incompetent than I thought.


Les Doors (1991) 

anglais Oliver Stone can apparently make any story about any person set in any time on any planet... And the result will always feel authentic. Fascinating. The Doors is another one of those films. With the help of music, the devilish Val Kilmer, Richardson's camera and God knows what else, Stone manages to take even a viewer who has never had a cigarette in his life, let alone a drug (i.e. me), on an intoxicating trip to a psychedelic desert wonderland, showing concerts in crowded halls almost like some kind of ancient Roman orgy, letting him listen breathlessly to the drugged monologues and dialogues to find the meaning in them himself... And the film tells so much not only about the band, but also about the time and country in which they played! I'm truly staring in awe.


Modrý tygr (2012) 

anglais It's good to see that we are still able (albeit with international cooperation) to make a film that can be watched by young and old alike. But beware - just because we are capable, doesn't mean we have quite succeeded in the case of The Blue Tiger. It's watchable, thanks mainly to the sensationally playful technical aspect and the excellent child actors (and I'm dead serious), but it would have been even better if it weren't for the rather confusing script, which turns the playful fantasy into an uninteresting mess over time. I can only imagine what Macourek, Vorlíček or Lipský would do with a blue tiger turning the whole city into a jungle...


7 Psychopathes (2012) 

anglais Martin McDonagh has taken a huge beating with his previous films, and Seven Psychopaths was not all that successful despite its stellar cast and promising subject matter. Fortunately, it didn't turn out to be a bad film, but I still think that it could have been made a little differently than by ripping off the Coens and Tarantino. The film moves along thanks to a great soundtrack, and from time to time we get a really good (mostly black) joke... It's just a shame that I found the main character to be completely unnecessary and the way Colin Farrell played him to be very dull. I'm rounding up three and a half stars for the actors (Christopher Walken and Sam Rockwell in particular) and for the whole final part in the desert (including the epilogue), which was really great.__P.S. Most of the scenes I missed in Seven Psychopaths are on the DVD among the scenes that were cut... Well, at least that's something.


Match retour (2013) 

anglais The wait for the final match was too long, often ridiculous rather than funny, and it also featured a rather large role for the unbelievably insufferable Kevin Hart. But that duel, together with the two scenes that came after it, was actually worth it.