Nothing But Ghosts

  • Allemagne Nichts als Gespenster


Five stories, five journeys: Ellen and Felix travel across America. Bugged by Felix' constant nagging, Ellen would like to cut the trip short and go home. But then they run into barkeeper Annie and her regular guest Buddy – and a mysterious ghost buster who studies haunted houses.
Caro visits her best friend, the actress Ruth, who has fallen for her handsome stage colleague Raoul. Caro, too, is attracted to the taciturn actor, and secretly accepts his invitation to visit him.
Jonas and Irene, whose respective relationships have just collapsed, travel together to Iceland to visit a friend of Irene's, Magnus, who lives with Jonina. Iceland's harsh climate has an electrifying effect on Jonas and Irene.
Christine and her friend Nora visit Nora's ex-boyfriend Kaspar in Jamaica. An approaching hurricane echoes the chaotic emotions experienced by the three friends on the island.
Dumped by her boyfriend, Marion visits her parents, whose travels have brought them to Venice. There she has a strange encounter with an elegant Italian, but can't bear to be with her mother, who continues to dominate her life.
Stories of love and anguish that take us to the ends of the world: Martin Gypkens has woven these five tales, based on bestselling short stories by Judith Hermann, into a filmic fugue of companionship, longing and bewildered emotions. (Berlinale)


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