
  • États-Unis Snapshots
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Documentaire / Musical
Slovaquie, 2008, 90 min


Peter Krištúfek


Dezider Ursiny (i.a.), Marian Varga, Radek Pastrňák


Dežo Ursiny was a phenomenal songwriter and interpreter of Slovak music. He never ceased to amaze his audience, coming up with new ideas and trends, his work bearing marks of incredible originality. Together with Marián Varga, he is considered a Slovak music legend. In his work and with the help of poet Ivan Štrpka, he viewed ordinary matters from an unconventional perspective. Surrounded by a number of first-rank musicians, he worked with such eminent artists as Jaro Filip, Fedor Frešo, Oskar Rózsa and Andrej Šeban. According to his peers, he was not easy to live with. Nonetheless, life with Ursiny surely was inspiring – those who met the musician in his late years agree to have experienced somewhat “transcendental feelings”, undoubtedly enhanced by the fact that he was going through a serious illness to which he succumbed. The film is a testimony of musicians [Andrej Šeban, Oskar Rózsa, Fedor Frešo, Marián Varga, Ľubo Stankovský], life partners, Elena – his sister, sons Jakub and Liubo and many others, their monologues complemented by extracts from Dežo’s work and archive footage. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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Yettipunk DVD