
Jay compte bien profiter des vacances à Hawaï pour se reposer, et Phil veut faire plaisir à Claire, mais tout ne va pas se passer comme prévu. (Netflix)

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anglais This was absolutely perfect continuation of the previous episode, watching all the family members on Maui was pure joy. The individual characters are funny on their own, but when they come together in one place, I often laugh so hard that I cry. And the Hawaiian version of the hit "Eye of the Tiger" blew me away. // "I'll have the biggest cheeseburger you have, I'll have fries instead of salad, and chili fries instead of fruit." / "Just to be clear, I don't approve of eating one's own offspring, but I understand why giraffes do it." / "I thought that one of the advantages of marrying an older man would be that I would get much more rest, but all this running, swimming, and rowing... That's how some of my relatives ended up in this country." ()