Mr. Foley

Court métrage / Comédie / Musical / Comédie musicale
Irlande, 2009, 4 min


Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman


Paraic Breathnach


Mr. Foley wakes up in hospital to find his whole life is being soundtracked and with sound effects included. He starts to panic as he doesn’t know the score... (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (1)

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anglais Here it is shown that when creators are playful, it reflects nicely in the whole movie. There is one good idea presented in a funny, albeit absurd, way. Moreover, this is further supported by an excellent cyclic punchline, which shows that there are actually more of these ideas and that it could continue. However, the film is cut off in time, which is a good thing. ()