La Dernière Chance

Drame / Sport
États-Unis, 1972, 96 min (alternative 93 min)


À 29 ans, Bill Tully est un ex-boxeur fatigué dont les perspectives d’avenir semblent se résumer à un fond de bouteille d’alcool. Plus assidu aux comptoirs de bars qu'à la salle de sport, Bill y fait pourtant la connaissance d’Ernie Munger, un jeune boxeur amateur. Croyant reconnaître en lui le talent prometteur qu’il a lui-même gâché, Billy décide de l’aider et se remet à rêver. Tandis qu’Ernie entame une ascension illusoire vers la gloire, Billy essaie pour sa part de retarder l’inévitable échéance de sa propre chute. (LaCinetek)


Vidéo (1)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An existential drama set in the world of boxing, which follows the destinies of two boxers, the once-successful Bill Tully and the promising young Ernie. It's a nostalgic story that doesn't offer much reason for optimism, yet the film contains some humorous dialogue of sorts. The final scene in the bar over a cup of coffee, however, has a very depressing tone... In the end, I would like to add that Stacy Keach portrayed the role of a tough guy drowning his life's failures in alcohol exceedingly convincingly, and seeing Jeff Bridges at the beginning of his remarkable career was quite an experience for me. (80%) ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is one of those movies where you feel like hope dies last, but here, it simply died. It's as if everything the characters do is just to keep struggling in what could still be considered life, but not a particularly nice one. It's like they couldn't ever rise from that bottom, which could indeed be worse, to the surface again. Intense and above all well-acted. ()


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