Morts à crédits

  • anglais Deaths on Credit
France, 2016, 94 min (alternative 52 min)


Frédéric Castaignède


An investigative documentary that examines the alarming and inexorable rise of household over-indebtedness throughout Europe, and the battle against this economic, social and human scourge. All over Europe, household over-indebtedness is on the rise; it’s a ticking time bomb. Though it doesn’t always lead to suicide, it often causes a ‘little death’ of economic and social exclusion and serious psychological distress, a nightmare from which it is extremely hard to escape. (Arte)


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anglais For thirty years, we Czechs have been living in a post-communist society, but I still haven't gotten rid of the illusion that the West works better than our corner of the world. This documentary has dispelled that misconception - the same crooks, same lies, same usurious methods, and an effort to manipulate gullible clients. What you need is caution, financial literacy, and a government that stands on the side of its citizens, not financial speculators. Overall impression: 75%. ()