Omae wa mada Gunma o širanai

  • Japon お前はまだグンマを知らない (plus)
Spot TV



Kamitsuki doit déménager vers la préfecture de Gunma. Comme il ne connaît pas du tout cette région montagneuse située dans la plaine du Kantô, il décide de faire quelques recherches. Mais tout ce qu'il lit est assez effrayant. L'endroit est décrit comme « la seule zone encore inexplorée au monde » ou encore d'un sinistre « Personne n'en est encore revenu vivant ! ». Quel genre d'endroit est vraiment Gunma ? Que va-t-il lui arriver une fois là-bas ? Découvrez ce que cache vraiment cette région… (Crunchyroll)


Critiques (1)

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anglais You do know Gunma Prefecture, don't you? Let me reassure you, many Japanese people know little more about it than you do. When you say Gunma, all that comes to mind for most is the spa town of Kusatsu, and the fact that it is one of the few landlocked prefectures. According to surveys, it is the least attractive prefecture for tourists. So, this anime tries to tell us more about it. I consider the focus of the season itself, or rather its broad scope, to be a big positive: it does not try to portray Gunma as a poor little misunderstood area with so much to offer, or to self-mockingly ridicule itself as a total dump. Similarly, it is not only one-sidedly oriented towards audiences outside Gunma, but also towards the people of Gunma themselves, who it is also trying to educate, and share interesting facts about their homeland that they may not know. Stereotypes are treated with exaggeration and humor and are not presented as pure 100% absolute facts. The humor works, the presentation of everyday life is varied and interesting, the animation and soundtrack are purely average, and the characters are about as flat as an ironing board. However, given that by the nature of the season the characters having no depth does not play a major role here, and there is an ending (however absurd), which is very unusual for a twelve four-minute episodes, I am throwing the aforementioned shortcomings to the wind and awarding 4 stars. ()