À nos 15 ans

  • Israël 15 Shana

VOD (1)


Yoav est un architecte renommé, bel homme et confortablement installé. Il est en couple depuis maintenant 15 ans avec le joli Dan. Tout semble se passer pour le mieux entre eux, la complicité est toujours au rendez-vous. Mais un soir, lors d’un vernissage, la meilleure amie de Yoav, Alma, annonce qu’elle est enceinte. Si cette annonce enflamme le désir de Dan de devenir père à son tour, Yoav lui ressent douloureusement la pression de devoir fonder une famille, cette nouvelle faisant ressurgir chez lui des douleurs du passé qu’il n’a pas su cicatriser… (Optimale)


Critiques (1)

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anglais 15 Years does hae a compelling premise that deals with several issues (partners, family, friendship, parenthood), but I found the film a bit odd in its execution, especially when it came to the main character, who was hard to form any kind of relationship with. Yoav was plagued by several demons at once, which started to destroy him internally, yet I found his behaviour a bit out of place and really difficult to understand. I was most intrigued by the storyline with the pregnant friend, which I also found the strongest. The metaphorical character of the homeless man also had something to it. Plus point for the atypical ending. ()