
(titre non officiel) (série)
  • Japon Uči no ko no tame naraba, ore wa mošikašitara maó mo taoseru kamo širenai. (plus)
Promo 2



Bien qu'il soit encore jeune, Dale est un aventurier hautement qualifié qui s'est forgé une solide réputation. Un jour, tandis qu'il mène une nouvelle quête, il s'enfonce dans les bois et découvre une petite démone appelée Latina qui n'a alors que la peau sur les os. Bien qu'elle porte la marque d'une criminelle, Dale ne peut se résoudre à la laisser mourir et il décide de la prendre sous son aile en devenant son tuteur. Ainsi endosse-t-il un rôle de père avec cette adorable fillette, tout en menant ses activités d'aventurier. Mais que faisait-elle abandonnée dans cette forêt ? (Crunchyroll)


Critiques (1)

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anglais I was really looking forward to this anime series before this season started. It features a tough main male protagonist who protects a cute girl in a fatherly way from demons, monsters and other vermin - so cute and cool, so I was obviously going to award it a clear 10/10! Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be completely different. Sure, Latina is an adorable little girl who is amazing, cute, smart, kind (and absolutely unrealistic...) - in other words, she is perfection itself. However, I failed to see the point when Dale is definitely not half as cool a character as you would have liked. Dale is much like your irritating auntie who uses baby talk with your kid every chance she gets and she thinks it is so cool to say things like: “Oh my gosh, what a cute little guy you are, yes you are...".  You get that kind of weird feeling with her like you are watching a grown adult acting like an infantile idiot, and everything inside you is screaming for her to just stop. Well, this is exactly the feeling I got when I was watching Dale act like that in more than half the situations he was in. Yeah, right, so looking at someone as adorable as Latina makes you do silly things like that, go ga-ga, making you wish for all kinds of things, and making you melt inside like a kid does over a piece of candy. However, then you see how stupid it is when someone says such things in that way, and you start to be ashamed of yourself because if you had been the main male protagonist you may perhaps have acted that stupidly too. Even so, you would have immediately denied it, because no sane person (except for your silly auntie) acts in such an obviously infantile way like Dale does... I did not enjoy watching Dale at all, and it rather left me with a certain feeling of awkwardness, and that is not a good thing. If the divine and adult Lord Hakuto Kunai had been in the show with his manly hoarse voice instead of Dale, it could have been a brilliant anime series, and I would not have even minded that most of the twelve episodes were about nothing, that there was almost nothing of substance, or hardly any fighting. This show was actually basically just about Latina doing cute things (plus Dale drooling over her and whinging on...) and being introduced to new people. However, the way this show went on meant I alternated between a pleasant smile (Latina) and a sour expression (Dale). Sometimes I was slightly bored (because there is really hardly anything going on), and probably the biggest emotional moment I had was with the behavior of a certain teacher. However, in retrospect, even this storyline seems quite far-fetched. In other words, as much as I would have liked to, I cannot give more than 5/10 right now (after the first season) because of Dale. ()