My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising

  • Japon Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising (plus)
Bande-annonce 1

VOD (1)


La classe 1-A visite l'île de Nabu où ils peuvent enfin faire un vrai travail de héros. L'endroit est si paisible que ça ressemble plus à des vacances… jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient attaqués par un super-vilain avec un alter insondable ! Son pouvoir est étrangement familier, et il semble que Shigaraki ait joué un rôle dans son plan. Mais avec All Might à la retraite et la vie des citoyens en jeu, il n'y a pas de temps pour les questions. Deku et ses amis sont la prochaine génération de héros, et ils sont le seul espoir de l'île. (CGR EVENTS)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Better than the first film, even though it’s our dear Class 1. And it was very artificially thrown onto a sparsely populated island to help out. Who could have guessed that some very powerful baddies just happen to be heading for the island where the foxes are saying goodnight, right? The serenity of the setting country sun is replaced by an ominous storm, and the animators at Bones Studio handle it very well. Apart from the final battle, we don't get anything extra, but that's okay because this is a silver screen movie to enjoy our heroes in a bigger way – I recommend throwing this on a quality projector, it's really worth it. Action, rescue, and finally a fighting partnership between Bakugo and Midoriya; this is what I’ve been really looking forward to in this series, when these two say it's time to work together to kick that strong motherfucker's ass. It's a movie, so I wasn't as worried about the characters as I was watching the show, and by the end I was wondering how they were going to work it out, because this can't happen, which was a little disturbing (who wants to be wondering during an action scene what scripted twist they're going to use this time instead of enjoying the fight?), but otherwise I'm happy. After all, I went for more experiences of 1. And I got those. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is the second movie from the My Hero Academia universe, and as with the first movie My Hero Academia: Two Heroes I found some aspects of this movie did not work very well. For example, the way the characters gets in all the troubles, or the fact that the movie recycles some of the same proven narrative tropes as the anime series like A) to make the audience emotional, putting kids in danger works best, B) obligatory emphasis on teamwork, C) Deku has to use 100% of his power, and D) there must be a cheasy way of dealing with the consequences of Deku's use of his full power... However, there are many more things that can help me forget these negative aspects and I can announce that I enjoyed the hell out of it! I was pleased to see that there is no main protagonist but rather protagonists, plural. Deku gets just as much screen time as Bakugo, and to be honest, I think Bakugo is more appealing and interesting because he seems “cooler”. The action scenes are absolutely magnificent, just sheer dynamite, and the final fight animation made me wonder if I was watching a really good adaptation of a part of the Dragon Ball universe. Bones animation studio has once again convinced me of their mastery at producing action that is fierce, colorful, and full of fluid movements... Story-wise it is a classic, as someone who knows the anime series and what to expect, yet many of those proven narrative tropes still worked for me, and so during certain scenes I felt compassion and concern for the characters, and was on the edge of my seat during the fight scenes, barely pausing for breath due to the suspense. I think this is a really good movie and personally, I found it insanely impactful. 8.8/10. ()