Crazy Samurai Musashi

  • anglais Crazy Samurai: 400 vs. 1 (plus)


In 1604, Miyamoto Musashi attacked the Yoshioka family at their dojo and defeated master Seijuro and his younger brother Denshichiro in two duels. To save their reputation, the Yoshioka family decides to fight back with all 100 family members and hire an additional 300 samurai. Now Musashi sets out to defeat all 400 enemies in his most famous battle. The most stunning 77-minute one-scene-no-cut action sequence ever put on film follows, as Musashi goes on a rampage of carnage, defeating one samurai after another. Leading Japanese action-star, fight choreographer, and stuntman Tak Sakaguchi takes over the role of the legendary samurai Musashi, previously played by Toshiro Mifune in the Samurai Trilogy, and gives a transcendent no-holds barred performance. (Dazzler Media)


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anglais Four years ago Yûji Shimomura surprised with a decent action movie set in the woods called Re:born, so I was curious about Crazy Samurai: 400 vs. 1 , but it's such a dull and unexciting borefest that I can't believe it. The film has no plot, no dialogue, and it's basically a 90-minute long action sequence, which under normal circumstances I would welcome with open arms, but this style just doesn't work for me at all. The main hero is alone against 400 samurais and most of the time it looks like he's in the middle of a circle and they come at him one by one. I understand that they wanted to stay true to reality, but what is realistic is boring, that's what movies are for. He only uses two moves, either cuts their heads off or slashes their bellies, and watching this for an hour and a half was really painful. Moreover, it seemed to me that no one died, everyone who got slashed crawled away from the camera, and that felt very awkward, plus occasionally there is disgustingly digital blood splattering, and when I add that it all looks cheap, I really don't know what I'm supposed to like here. The final five minutes are a okay, they feel like they're from a different movie, and it's a shame that Tak Sakaguchi, who showed unprecedented speed and talent in Re:born, here swings his katana so slowly as if he didn't even enjoy it. I didn't like it and I don't see much reason for anyone to like this movie. Story*, Action**, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment**, Music***, Visuals**, Atmosphere*, Tension*. 2/10. ()